Monday, June 30, 2008

Procrastinators: Leaders of Tomorrow...

Sometimes it takes a lot to get the ball rolling. After weeks of intense work I have swung my pendulum of activity almost to the other extreme with taking things easy. On one hand there is the knowledge that I know I am going to have to scramble to get things finished. 

On a separate note I am reconnecting with some long lost friends which after 15 years is quite amazing. Some were just passing acquaintances while others were genuine friends of my youth. In either case it is good to find those roots.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Things are going... well

Well I think at this point I have somewhat got things in hand with school and all the randomness that comes with it. I even get to sneak in a nap now, something that I had not done for the past year or two. I am a little concerned with a couple of my classes. For the most part it seems that the classes that teach you to be a teacher seem somewhat loose and based on here is what you need to know but when you actually get into the class room you are going to do the learning and what gets covered here in class actually takes so much longer to learn and so much less time to do once you have learned it. Very random!

I also have a presentation to make in my class tomorrow. Being on an accelerated schedule things happen fast... on top of that I kinda ginny-pigged myself to be the first to present which means I better get my butt over and finish the project so that it is polished and sets the bar or at least tries to. Its a bit intimidating when many if not most of the others in that class are veteran teachers and here's me a young buck showing them tools to use in the classroom.

But I think I have some unique experience to draw from and a few aces up my sleeve. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Classes and stuff

Well so far so good. I seem to have all my classes but one lined up and I am sure this too will come around when the time is right. I must say that online classes are not for me. I was supposed to take two this summer and dropped both of them today. It is very absurd in my opinion to take a wellness for living class online. "well what did you today that was active and also contributed to your mental well being? Well I sat in front of a computer for two hours and types furiously trying to think of some witty thing to say to the others in the virtual world of this class. I think my heart rate might have gone up by two beats in an hour".

Humbug I say. By the time someone else in the "class gets around to replying to a comment or query I have forgotten what the heck we were talking about in the first place and have to spend another hour reading all the old posts just to keep straight who said what or who had what opinion. Online classes unless done in real time are a farce.

Moving on and speaking of moving I need to do that one of these days. I still am living out of a suitcase with all my stuff in storage and need to get that to my place... now that I have one. Actually I think sometime this weekend I need to scrounge up a bed... I have not decided if i want to make this a loft as I do have 10 ft ceilings or a hammock which I miss having. I also need to get a couch or pillows or something and create a semblance of a living room... In reality the only room that I am somewhat equipped to equip is the kitchen... 

I think I'll get a truck or something tomorrow and do some moving.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fishing the Tucannon

Went fishing today looking for some new fishing spots and being as it was an very nice day I could not let it go to waste. I drove up to the Tucannon river north of Walla Walla and found some real nice spots. 

Started my fishing over at Rainbow Lake. There were about 10 or so other people fishing the lake so I spent the first 10 minuets or so walking around to see how everyone was fairing. Most of them were drowning worms with a few using power bait or other scented dough bait. In the time I spent walking around I did not see a single person hook a fish. I had read that this was supposed to be a good hole and was a bit suppressed. Well I got out my 3wt and strung up a elk hair caddis and took a trail that put me on the spit of land that ran out into the middle of the lake. I am not sure what I was doing right but I was able to pull out about 15 or so squaw fish and a couple bow's. Most of it was sight fishing and being as this was stocked fish it did not seem too hard.

Well running on a high from that I explored several of the other lakes along the river that had also been stocked. The one thing that caught my attention was the number of fish that had what looked like either scars or fungus growing on them. I am not sure how contagious this might be or if it is harmful to humans... there were a number of others fishing these lakes as well and I am sure many of them were catching the fish for the campfire. Which sounds mighty good right now... but anyway I caught several more bow's and it got to be more fun when they did not hook them selves and just grabbed the fly than when they did as most of them were in the 9 to 11 inch range and it was more hassle getting them off the hook and back in the water. 

Well I kept fishing more so that I have an excuse to walk along the river and it is quite a beautiful river. Right now with the extended rain and snow we got this winter and spring the river is running much higher than usual however just having moved from the west side of the state where all the rivers I am used to fishing are in general much larger it did not seem as if this was running that high... its all relative I guess. Well the last fish of the day was a treat. It was not the biggest or anything fancy, just another rainbow trout about 9 inches long but I didn't actually hook it. Well at least the hook was not in the fish, rather I hooked what was the end of another hook that had a pre-tied leader that the fish had gut hooked its self with.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hours to go...

Packing... and procrastinating packing... counting down to the last few hours of Camp. Its been a good ride but I am ready to move on. Sometimes I think of all the things I still need to do or have wanted to accomplish and then have to remind myself that its someone else's baby. Whoever comes in next needs to have a vision of their own and hopefully will put as much energy or even more it to camp.

So the plan for today is to get everything into the truck by about 4 pm and take off by 6 pm or so... I think I am going to swing by Sarah's and drop some stuff in the car. That way once I get back I will have some stuff for the trip back. Anyway, thats the plan.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Count-downs and paperwork

On the home stretch, catch up on things left undone, pack, move, go nuts. Dork dance... its OK but I would rather be doing something else, I am sure i will have fun nonetheless... it happens you get around kids and regardless of what you are doing it tend to be a bit more fun, even watching grass grow, although I wouldn't mind doing that right now. Specially if it is warm and sunny, which it is not. 

What's up with this weather? Its June for crying out loud! We had a couple days of nice weather which teased us and gave a false impression of nice weather to come and then it rained... and rained... and its raining some more. 

But it will only last for another week or so, then over to the dry side. It has been a bit wet on the dry side too so its going to be interesting to see how that affects the summer and the plants that one can find there... I wonder how the fishing will be... hopefully I will have more time than I do now to figure out the answer to this question. Only time will tell. Tick Tock Tick Tock only 6 days to go.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Hot Sauce and Bears

Well today I got a bit o' both... although I could have done without the bear... but all good things come to those who wait... but sometimes those who wait die before the good things come and then you get into a real pickle...Ok I guess I am not making much sense tonight but you cant expect the world to make sense every night... that would be preposterous, and not to say utterly unheard of... besides a little crazy is always good for the soul though the rest of the body may disagree.

Heres to #28 

Monday, June 2, 2008


"I passed the test. I will diminish, and go to the west, and remain Galadriel"...  such words that even today ring true with me. Yet the test was passed the outcome gained. What must now be the next leg of my journey must be taken. Like rails of a train track ever moving to the horizon we follow the path of life. Sometimes the tracks run along the top of a ridge and the world stretchers out before the eye, Sometimes what may seem like mighty mountains that blocks the path and of granite made seem impregnable but for a dark hole and a darker cavern yet. However there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and though you come out in the black of the night it is always brighter outside even if by the light of the stars. 

And yet the dawn draws close. The hour before the dawn may be the darkest yet the dawn always cuts through the night and brings forth the warmth and light of a new day. And the track goes ever on just as the road out of the door of Bag End.