Monday, July 28, 2008

Camping and homework

One I like the other I guess I have to tolerate. As for the camping... well it was not much but I did get to get out this weekend and spend time in the great outdoors. Went up to the Tucannon river saturday and met up with a couple people I knew. Fished a bit that evening and got one rainbow out of the stocked lakes that I kept and also caught several out of the river which after a quick oogle of the colors went promptly back into the water. 

This morning I woke up at the crack of dawn and did a bit more fishing, mostly in the river and I must say either these fish dont get hit too often or they love flies. I think I caught and released about 25 or so with most in the 8-9 in range and a couple topping 11. Next time I should bring my camera along to get some shots of the fish because they are beautiful creatures.

And now back to doing homework... or maybe I'll put if off for one more night....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A job offer

Well looks like my hunt for a job is going well... actually its more of my job hunting me.... I got an invitation to a job that was actually what I have been wanting to do anyway and if I get it and I dont see myself not getting it, it will be the 5th job in a row that I have been offered without me having to do apply for and then wait. And looking back I don't really think I have not really got what I have applied to. So something must be working... Good thing I have the man upstairs watching my back... kinda proves at lest to me about the before you ask I will answer bit.

On a different note I need to start some GOYA projects. (Get Off Your Ass) I almost when and shot some landscapes and then things got in the way... I think I need to set some deadlines for my self so that I cant keep procrastinating... although Procrastinators are the leaders of tomorrow. I also think I am ready to start submitting my work for review by a more critical audience. I think for now I am going to do one competition or review a month. I think I will be able to handle that. I picked up a couple photo magazines yesterday so that i can see if there is a topic I like. At least that will get me shooting again and I need to get more critical feedback than Ooo nice colors.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One more down

Finished another class... its been a busy couple weeks and taking the time to relax has been a challenge but a priority that has been kept... at-least for the most part. I cant decide if I want to head out to Seattle this weekend. On one hand there is the salmon bake... and seeing old friends... then there is the issue of gas... plus other expenses. Papers to write... can't procrastinate forever... well at least not without consequence... choices... 

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lost my head... well part of it anyway

So after much deliberation and thought I lost part of my head. Well at least the top part which I was in the process of loosing anyway so I figured I didn't have anything to loose anyway... in a matter of speaking. I guess tomorrow will be the new dawn of the cue ball routine. 

Just thinking back, over the past several years I have had some unique things going on... From being just a average style to long and unruly, brads, Bells on the ends of the brads (this was a personal favorite... because it drove my teaches nuts when I would shake my head instead of raising my hand and still got their attention), Bleached blond, Bleached a second time to get it even lighter and then dying it fire-engine red... (another good one), pink hair... when it faded out... Purple hair... yeah N&P week, green hair when that faded, business cut to look decent for parent presentations and the big wigs... and now ala cue ball. 

The human head is such a versatile thing. And this is just the outside... imagine the possibilities... imagine this head hitting the pillow because its way to late to be up.