Monday, March 31, 2008

Relaxing.... and thinking

Just got done with the Dork Dance. Its a energy driven hour that gets the kids grooving and expending a lot of energy and hopefully tired enough to get to bed and not stay up all night given the councilors a hard time. And judging by the looks on the kids as they headed out it will be quick turnaround to bed time. The speakers are working fine in the lodge and I am taking the opportunity to play some of my own music in all its glory and do a bit o' browsing online. 

Its been a long week having worked this weekend and I don't think I am going to have another break for a couple weeks... but the season is still fresh and I still have reserves built up from the christmas break.

I have been looking into getting a new fly rod. The 3 wt I have now casts beautifully however as the wind picks up it becomes a noodle and I loose the ability to punch into the wind. I have been reading about the TFO TiCr X series rods and they seem to be the ticket. Cost wise they are relatively on the cheep side for good fly rods and I am tempted to pick one up in the 6 wt range. I also want to get one of those practice rods that has the wool and rope line. I think with me teaching my self to fly fish I am also picking up some bad habits. I should probably take a class from one of the local guides and in this neck of the woods they seem quite a plenty.

Well Life goes on and with it comes many good things. Sometimes you have to wait for it and at other times you have to go get it. The trick to it is to know when to do each as they both have their own time.

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