It was one of those days when the conditions are just right to form a thunderstorm. Going out with just a vague idea of where I want to be and hoping that fate would let things fall into place I set out into the storm. I have missed the creative energy of going out and looking for images that inspire and makes one realize how cool the world really is.
Well after two hours of standing in the rain with the wind gusting to about 10 to 15 mph at times and the rain pelting down I think I might have got the shot I wanted. Lightning is something that is a waiting game. You aim the camera in the general direction that it is flashing and try to configure it to the longest possible exposure which will give you the best results and then trip the shutter and wait. Sometimes you get a shot but often you see really cool flashes all around you, just not in the direction you happened to have the camera pointing. And there is not point in trying to anticipate it too much because its over in a flash.
But patience pays off sometimes and I got this shot.
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