Monday, February 11, 2008

Fly line tangle

So I have been getting into fly fishing. I have for the most part always been intrigued by fishing and this seems to be an evolution in that hobby. Several weeks ago I purchased some new gear to inaugurate my commitment to the sport and also because I tend to be a bit of a gear head. As part of the package I picked up some fly line weight forward floating line in #3 weight. This to match the new 9 foot 3 weight rod. It was either the next day or not too long after that excited to try out my new gear I headed down to the beach. There was a bit of wind and not be as proficient a caster I was thinking that maybe I would be able to cast say about 30 feet. I know I have been able to launch a fly about 40 feet so taking into consideration that there was wind I was being a bit realistic... or so I thought. 

Try as I might for some reason the line would just not work. Now most weight forward lines are designed to have the forward 40 feet or so heavier and assist in the process of "loading" the rod giving it the ability to cast. However this line was not doing that. 

Going back to the shop, one of the things I asked Mell who was assisting me was to help me pick out a line while not too expensive was able to also not be too cheap and problematic for a beginner. There were two lines on the lower end one about $10.00 more than the other and he recommended this as he said that it did make the money worth it due to its additional features over the other line. 

So what was going on... I knew I was not all that bad. Even with a real cheap line I could do better. Well trying to trouble shoot I took a second look at the line which is when I discovered that rather than a weight forward line as I had expected what I had was a level line which had no weighted front section. 

Great so I dive all the way back a couple days later to exchange it for the line I actually paid for and guess what of all the lines that covered the entire section of the wall the one size that was missing was the one I wanted. Great so he called his manager and there was some hemming and hawing and time running by and in the end with me getting a bit impatient we decided that I was going to get the cheaper line and that when the new line came in Mell was going to mail it to me. Great, after I get the new line I would come back and return the cheaper line because what was I going to do with that? So I come back with the cheap line. I think I might have used it once or twice... the weather has been cold and rainy and I have been too busy at work to think about fishing. 

Anyway to bring things up to date this evening I decided to go for a drive. Its been a couple weeks and I have not received a line in the mail. I go in, Mell is not there as he works during the day or so I have been told, and after explaining to a couple people who by the way were very helpful I was able to have them find the line still in one of the boxes in the back from the new shipment and have someone bring it out to me and also spool it on. Great, Awesome, I finally have what I paid for. 

When I came home I was ready to hook up the terminal tackle and get the spool ready. I was thinking maybe even give the line a quick dressing just because I could... Thats when things get screwy. Well I pulled the line off the real and it did not feel right... in-fact I pulled off the entire fly line down to the backing off the real and guess what... Its a level line.

Now I dont know if this batch of lines were messed up at the company or that they have invented a new way of making the line heaver on one end with out changing the diameter but now I am going to have to drive all the way back there which is about two hours away to re-exchange the line again. I think I have spent more time in the shop getting my line exchanged than I have spent fishing the lines I have. This is ridiculous. 

This time I plan on going during the day time when I can talk to Mell and lets see what kind of discount or compensation I am going to get because this is nuts... Oh well live and learn!!

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