Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Cats Out of the Bag

Well, so the cats out. And I guess in a sense its a good thing too. Its hard to keep a secret even though spilling the beans as they say may not be the most productive thing to do. But what comes will and one can only face it and move on. 6 weeks and counting... almost sounds like a country song, and sometimes can feel like one too. I don't think I can play this backwards and get back things that were lost but I guess not all songs play backwards. Besides with some of the crazy things people do with songs I don't know if I want to find out what the lyrics say... hopefully not something like "green cat eating rotting mouse". Which would be a sad state to be in.

What did the mouse die of? Surely not the green cat as one would infer this from the qualifier of the state of the mouse which happens to be rotting. Unless of course the cat has been eating the mouse for such a long time that it has begun to rot in the process and this would then explain the phenomenon of the color of the cat. Green not being a naturally occurring color of the feline species.

But the cat green or not is out and lets see what happens to the rest of the mice.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I have a note... now some notes may not be notable and some are more notable than others. Yet mine is on rather inconspicuous brownish pinkish paper that has more meaning to it since it is an official note. My note come courtesy  of the US post office and they have a package for me.

I have had the note in my possession for the last several days yet have not had the means to collect what I have in store. I have something that I have ordered that I am expecting... is this what awaits me... or have I received something unexpected from someone that forgot to let me know they were sending the item. Is it something fun or a boring bit o' stuff that will add the pack-rattish clutter on my life. 

Be tomorrow already.

Change comes soon

Well its official, things don't stay static for long and the winds of change are once again blowing. It may take me a lifetime of looking back to sometimes figure out all the turns and twists that have happened in my life and how the paths I have taken have crossed mountains and oceans but once again those paths are opening up and its time to dust off those Ol' walking shoes. 

For the last many months I have learnt and grown in ways that I could not have predicted coming in. As with such things it has been not without its highs and lows, valleys and mountains and through it all I came and now stand at the edge of a great sea. Some may call it a sea of knowledge, but to me its a beginning of another voyage that will take me to ports unknown. What I learn along the way will be a natural by product of the journey and what I will need hopefully once I reach that far off destination.

Monday, April 21, 2008

What's up with the Mercury falling?

So its the end of April, on most years many people are looking forward to the warming weather and for many this also means that it is time to dust off those ol' fish'n poles and head out for the season opener. Ah the coming of summer when the birds sing sweetly in the morning awaking you to a day filled with sun and adventure.... Well we are certainly getting the adventure without the rest of the picture. Its cold outside. Today we set a new record in Seattle for the coldest temperature recorded on the 21st of April. 

Now setting new records are something to be proud of, unless this happens to be for being ridiculously cold. Why would we want to even acknowledge this? Its all like a bad dream that wont end. Give us the Sun, Hide not its warmth and radiance from an earth that is withering from the grip of winter. Bring back the days of carefree short sleeves and running ones toes through the green grass without having to concern ones mind of such nonsensical things such as frostbite and appendages falling off from the brittle cold. 

On a tangent... hopefully my only one for tonight... but then again maybe not. I went fishing this saturday. I met up with a gentleman named Chris and the two of us headed to a beach where neither of had had fished before to try our luck and enjoy the freedom of the water. We arrived at the beach around 7:30 am or so and after a few minuets gearing up headed out to wet our lines. 

Chris as it so happened was fishing the salt for the first time or so he told me... this was probably his first time in Washington as I feel that he was a proficient caster and may have fished in the salt in Alaska where he was from. In either case it was odd to be the more experienced one of the two of us when my own experience up to this point has not been to any extent extensive even in the longest stretch of the meaning of the word. 

I was able to point out to him how to spot a rip as the tide was moving and we were able to position our selves relatively in a good place. I say relatively as the fish were there. But being as we were both rookies I think we spent the morning throwing everything but what we should have. Both our fly boxes looked more like what a car salesmen would have been proud to have used as a marketing tool with many different and colorful flies but we were not getting any hookups. In retrospect after coming back and reading more I think we should have been using a krill or euphausiid pattern rather than the bait fish and other streamers we were ripping. Oh well thats what it is to live and learn.

But to bring back this tangent to a somewhat relevant thought to the matter at hand while we were out on the water the temperature dropped several degrees. One could feel the change and see the coldness if that were possible coming off the water and envelope the shore like the hand of death. What is sad about this was that the only strikes we got on our lines was several minuets after this cold front hit and we were so cold we were not able to react fast enough to set the hook. Which we took to be a sign that it was not going to be much prodective after that. 

So I ask again where is the sun and the warm weather. Was the weekend before with its 70 degree spell just a tease to bring pain and anguish to the minds of all warm blooded folk...

Warm up world... the buzz on the street is global warming. Get with the act or at least act like you are going to...

Friday, April 18, 2008

The intricacies of life

Sometimes I wonder how things work. Things come and go, events happen people live lives some times oblivious to the word around them. Life can be a interesting... Sometimes nice... some times cruel. 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time flies whether you are having fun or not

Its been a while since I put down my thoughts on the web and as usual many things have transpired since then. For one thing the weather has got much better, one can for the most part see the sun at least every other day even if it is for a moment which is a much better situation that when it was cold and raining.

And with the sun has also come warmer weather which if you pay any attention to the natural order of things go hand in hand. Speaking of the natural order of things it is often true that after winter follows spring, sometimes around here I doubt the weather gods were given that memo. 

On a new topic and tangent I finally signed up for the WEST B. I don't know if this is a final decision and my actions predict a change in scenery but change is inevitable and can be a good thing. Well its either change or something gives and why put it off till then. Something that has been on my mind lately is the effect of ones actions and the inability to predict the future. Sometimes I look back at my life and think that even though I knew an opportunity was passing me by my inability to accept change left me with a situation that was less that ideal. Was this due to a persons need to be in the comfort zone or is this being in a rut. I guess to some extent they can be one and the same but sometimes they may deviate in the finer definitions of the word. 

What is a rut anyway as it applies to lives. The way I understand the workings of the mind and to those who may know better this may sound like trivial rubbish, an impulse of electric current much like what would be generated by a battery is sparked at one point in the brain and travels along a path of neurons till it completes its journey at another location. This Neurological stimulation is the basis for all actions, thoughts and ideas that a human can produce. 

As babies we build some of these pathways and make them stronger through repetition. Like a callous that forms on your foot if you hike for too long a time, neurons in the brain each get stronger with use and the more one uses each pathway the stringer it gets. So by definition a rut then is a very strong pathway that is built up through repetition. 

So what does a rut have to do with my life... well quite the opposite actually. I think my fear of being in a rut and my nomadic nature through my upbringing has left me with a well plowed field with no ruts but also no real path either. Like the plow horse that is allowed to drag a plow in a random and arbitrary manner the ruts overlap, cris-cross and cause general havoc that it is sometimes hard to figure out what direction I wanted to go in the first place.